Why Is Life Just Shadows and Reflections?

We see life in shadows. It’s hard getting around only seeing shadows because of ignorance.
One might think… “wait a minute. I’m here. I’m having this experience. The sun came up today. The coffee is good, or it sucks, I can taste that. It was a bad day at work. I know, I went through it! What are you talking about.”
That’s a great question. Let’s chat about this topic. Maybe you can understand how there is always more to the story.
There are many veils, if you will, covering and obstructing our view, our experiences. We don’t know that they are here. A few speak about the veils, but you may never hear them sharing their ideas.
Think about this. We are born into a family, in a particular place and time. The family milieu could have been great or could have struggled. There is a culture around the family and the area that you live in. Are they church goers or not? Drinkers or teetotalers? Do they feel fulfilled or have they struggles. Think of any scenario. Can be yours or people that you know.
Any of these will affect you. Each aspect is like a veil obstructing your vision and experience. It will either bolster or diminish your self-esteem, ability to think and learn, ability for creating relationships, or money and more. It is reflected in the life we are living.
If your life is wonderful, that is fabulous. You have figured some things out.
If your life is more of a struggle, you are not alone. Many of us struggle. But there is a way out and up if you will.
Let’s look at emotions. Emotions can range from shame and apathy up to love and gratitude. Each emotion has its own territory or land or lens if you will. When one walks around in apathy, the world is experienced in a particular way. Fear feels different than anger and the world looks different between fear and anger. How about “Love”. When we fall in love, everything is roses.
Let me say that all the emotions are holy. It’s what we do with them that counts. One can find themself in so much anger that they want to “kill” somebody, or “make them pay.” That is so different than feeling anger arise and thinking “something is off here. What do I need to do to take care of ______ (fill in the blank).” Even Jesus was angry. Both examples of anger color the world in different ways. You may feel this even as you read this. The first experience of anger is all consuming and, in my mind, very constricted with limited options and probably very undesirable results. The second experience is more open and expansive. There is more room to think, negotiate and move. This also gives grace to both you and the other person for a better outcome.
You can begin to lift the veils of shadows and reflections and move up this scale to love and joy. It takes commitment and practice. It is time to realize that there is always more to the story. We have the power to rise up and create a spacious life of love and joy, by removing one veil at a time.
I’d love to hear your comments.
#Reflections #Shadows #FeelGoodLife