The Rest of the Story!

by | Aug 25, 2022 | Shadows & Reflections | 0 comments

We see the world as we are, not as the world is!  That is a rather bold statement. Consider…

Do you remember Paul Harvey, new broadcaster, and his segment “The Rest of the Story?”  I loved listening to him on NPR. He would start off with the ending of a story and go on with his news. Then he would wind up with “The Rest of the Story” that lead to the ending that he gave at the beginning of his show. It was ever so interesting and eye opening as well to see and understand what really happened.

Here is an example of some event that happened. You can see that at “face value” if you will. You might be nodding your head in agreement, or puzzlement, or disgusted. We have all been there with our opinions. When you hear “The Rest of the Story,” the veil is pulled back and you get to see what lead up to the event. That information can change your opinion, right?

We walk through life with layers upon layers of veils obstructing our experiences. Another word would be “bias”.  We are born into a specific time and place, culture, and family. All of these will color the world and frame how we see and experience life.

This is important. It is critical that we figure this out sooner than later. That is why I am on a mission to remember who I am. I am inviting you to consider that there is more to every story in life. That is why I am fascinated about shadows and reflections and I want to share with you.

What will happen if we let the veils go? Would the colors be brighter? Could the sounds be more vibrant? Could we have more compassion? Would this lead to deeper, and more fulfilling relationships with ourselves, and others? Is it possible that this level of inquiry and letting go lead us to the best life ever? I am seeing this happen for me. I invite you to walk with me and open to what is behind the veils.

Walk with my son after the rain!

Here are some pictures that I have taken in the last few days. These all remind me that there is more to the story of life and it is available if I choose to look.

This is a reflection of a walk with my son after a rain. Imagine that this is all you see. What could be there that caused this reflection? Look at the feet in the upper part of the photo and the head lower. That is an interesting visual. Also check out the clouds reflected in the upper right puddle.  What would it be like to only see the reflection, then experience the veil falling away and seeing the walkers? Hmmm.

The second picture is a reflection off my bike mirror. The picture is not straight on, rather at an angle. Reminder that the image is reversed from reality. The other thing to note is the focus. I can focus my iPhone by placing my finger on the screen where I want to focus. Out of the whole scene, I wanted the mirror, which’d I pushed.

What came up as “in focus” was the lower rail on the bridge. I thought that was interesting. What we focus on we get. As a corollary to this, if we focus on the “bad” or “uncomfortable” rather than what we want, we will get the “bad” or “uncomfortable” instead of the beauty we want. Just a thought.

This week, look at any shadow or reflections you see and appreciate the rest of the story that you can also see.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a message below.


#reflections #shadows #FeelGoodLife


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