What Life Looks Like When Viewed Via Reflections and Shadows

by | Sep 1, 2022 | Feel Good Life, Shadows & Reflections | 0 comments

Here we are, living and moving through life. We are aware that the sun rises and sets. We may even watch one of those events on some days with measure of excitement, awe or even dread.

We go through all the motions of daily living (meals, work, shopping, sleeping), whatever that looks like to you. We see colors, hear sounds, and are involved in interactions with people, animals, nature, and things (think coffee maker or your car).

May I ask a question? How present am I to my life and you to yours? Hmmm. I don’t know about you, but I can get caught up in dramas, making up stories, living in the past or projecting into the future. That means there is a part of the day, I am not present to all the moments available to me.

When I’m in these unavailable moments, I’m living in the reflections and shadows. I would say that the more unavailable I am or lost in the story, the deeper the shadow. If I’m not so deep, looks more like reflections.

Here are some images of shadows and reflections. For the moment let’s imagine that was all we could see. What would life look like? We would be in a black, gray, and white monochrome or at best muted color schemes.

Can you imagine trying to navigate life from hoping between reflections and the shadows? Very challenging, difficult, and unfulfilling for sure.


 It is hard to think that most of us experience life as a reflection. This current life on earth is all we know. I am here to rattle your cage to help you wake up to something more.

I have a challenge for you, if you accept. This week, become aware of any reflection or shadow that you see. You in the mirror or your shadow as you walk outside. Check out the reflections found in a puddle after a rain. Then check out the vibrancy of the world around the mirror or shadow or puddle. That is the difference we will experience as we heal the traumas, end the stories, and drop the veils. It is breath taking.

There is a way out. Also check out the Stress Less Thrive More breakthrough experience. Ten days, lots of information at no cost to you. You will be on the road to leaving the reflections and shadows.


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