Can the Veils Go Up and Down?

by | Sep 8, 2022 | Feel Good Life, Shadows & Reflections | 0 comments

Very good question. Yes, they can, and they do.

Here we are living in the questions of our lives. We can be deep in darkness, make some progress and the light shines. At a moment’s notice we can find ourselves back in deep darkness. It can be very unnerving and frustrating. This has been my experience and has for many other folks. There is a story that I learned in the (12 step) rooms. I am walking down a street. There is a gabbing hole. But I don’t see it. I fall in. I get loss in the dark crevices. I can’t see. I can’t get out. I could be here a long time. But, somehow, someway I get out. I’m not really sure, what happen, and how I got out. I don’t ever want to go there again! So I build walls and behaviors to defend myself.

Yet, on another day, I am out for a walk. I walk down this street. There is a gabbing hole in it, but I don’t see it. I fall in. It is dark, it is ugly. But, somehow I figure my way out more quickly than last time. Phew! I am still
not sure what happen, how I fell in, how I got out and more importantly how to not do this again. Yet, on another day, it happens again. I may go to counseling, find out what is causing this happening. Why is this happening to me? I see others out there that seem so happy. What am I doing wrong? And yet, I start walking down that street. This time I see the hole but fall in anyway. I use some tools and get out faster. Then I walk down that street again. I see the hole but walk around it. At some point I can choose to walk down a different street. The veils of reflections and shadows go up and down. I am inviting you to walk down a different street. There are many tools out there to help navigate the hills, valleys, and holes that we all experience. Life will be life after all.

I have used the Feel Good Live Method to help me navigate my emotions and experiences. This method has helped me open my mind and heart to the present moment with gratitude and love. It has changed my life. Would you like to hear more and experience something different We are doing a 10 Stress Less Thrive More Experience this month. If you want a path out of that hole, follow me. Click that link and you can follow me. I look forward to seeing you in the experience.


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