Life Lessons: Arrogance Will Get You!
I was very arrogant thinking that a bike is the same as an e-bike.
The Mental and Physical Connection of Gratitude
Emotions and thoughts tag and loop each other. What comes first the thought or emotion? That is a good question. I think it can go either way. You can be feeling irritated or down. If you are conscious, you will find that you start thinking thoughts that support...
Expectations vs. Reality – Is the Stress Impacting Mid-Life?
We all experience stress. That is a given. I think there are levels of stress and different stages in life. Stress for the kindergartener could be having to tie their shoes at class today and they don’t know how to do that. I bring that up because it happened to me. I...
Never Give Up!
What else can I say? Why would you give up, five minutes before the miracle?
Building Resilience in the Face of Trauma
Trauma is complex and can be a difficult topic to talk about. It is a harrowing experience that can have lasting effects. Trauma can occur in childhood such as abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, or death of parent or caregiver. Trauma can also occur as adult like an...
Crucial Ways a Support System Makes You More Resilient
It is well-known that a robust support system is crucial for your mental and emotional health. But did you know that a supportive network can also make you more resilient? Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, cope with stress and setbacks, and keep...
How to Improve Your Resilience with Exercise
Exercise is a great way to help yourself in life, especially when talking about improving your mental and physical wellbeing. Did you know that exercise will also help improve your overall resilience aside from health issues? Regularly participating in exercises that...
Four Breathing Techniques Reduce Stress and to Build Resilience
The relationship between stress and disease is now well established. It wasn’t always that way. Hans Selye1 defined the word “stress” in his 1936 book “Stress: The New Psychology of Health and Well-being.” He defines stress as “nonspecific response of the body to any...
Seven Resilience Building Tools
Life can be tough. Everyone faces challenges and difficulties at some point, some more than others. What matters is how you deal with them. We all know the person who seem to have an innate resilience to weather any storm. We also know others who struggle to cope with...
Five Key Facets of Resilience
The dictionary describes resilience as the “capacity to recover quickly and adapt to change.” When faced with the inevitable hardships that life will bring, you need to be resilient to overcome the situation. What about your core values and beliefs when faced with...