Energy Healing-Healing Touch

Are you under a lot of stress? Do you have pain. Consider Healing Touch.

Our state of health is reflected in the state of our aura (energy that surrounds the body). When we are well, the energy or life forcedynamically flows through and aroundthebody in healthy ways. Physical illness and emotional/mental/spiritual upsets alters the normal flow of life force energy.

The energy disruptions are usually the results of long held patterns. Therefore, energy healing is a multistage process that allows you to learn and maintain new healthy, life-giving patterns.

As an Energy Healer, I use heart-centered intention to reestablish the natural flow of energy. Energy Healing clears, balance and energizes the aura or energy field and places the client in a position to initiate and accelerate the self-healing process.

Energy Healing is Non-invasive. I use my hands and intention in my work providing a gentle, effective, holistic practice for healing. It is non-toxic, no chemicals are needed. Energy healing can be done anywhere.

The benefits of Energy Healing includes reducing stress, tension, anxiety, and pain. This healing can help the body heal itself, compliments medical/surgical therapies and treatments like chemo and radiation, enhances the immune system and connects you with a sense of well-being.

Healing work can be completed on a massage table, while being seated in a chair or distance via phone or Zoom. Distance healing is very effective, and you are welcome to connect via Zoom, particularly during this time of Covid 19.

The primary modalities that I use are Healing Touch and Brennan Healing Science. I am Healing Touch Certified Practitioner since 1996 and Instructor since 1999.I am a graduate of Brennan School of Healing in 2000. I am a Usui Reiki Master 2002.

Sessions last an hour. It would be nice to think of once and done. It doesn’t work like that. Over the years we develop beliefs, energy patterns and habits that don’t always serve us. Your energy patterns become balanced in an energy healing session. However, the first confrontation you experience after your visit, most go back into the old habits. I like the story of the woman who goes to the chiropractor for shoulder and neck pain. She comes in, the chiropractor finds the misalignment and does the adjustment. The pain is reduced or gone, and she feels wonderful, until she puts her purse on her shoulder and the misalignment reoccurs. The chiropractor sees the issue, but the woman has to make the change for the alignment to stick. It takes some conscious thought, practice and time to hold the new lifegiving patterns. Start with the Healing Foundation Package (6 sessions) to set up a good base and experience for your growth and process.

I went to Mary Pat for Healing Touch while I was having pin point radiation treatment for skin cancer. I was nervous about the radiation and this being my third time having skin cancer in that same area. Mary Pat and her techniques with healing touch made me feel more calm about the situation. Mary Pat helped me to look at my procedure with radiation in a different light and approach using visualization along with her Healing Touch Techniques. I saw Mary Pat for the six weeks of radiation and a few weeks after for clearing my system. It was a great experience and I will continue to see Mary Pat on an ongoing basis for continued health and healing in general. I would recommend Mary Pat for anyone looking for health and healing no matter what you are working on.

Cheryl Lippel

Individual Healing Touch Session $177

Book your Healing Touch Session today

Package of 6 Sessions $997

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